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Forms and Applications

Federal Standard Forms - Forms Required for ALL Federal Funding

** As of October 2004, all entities applying for federal funding must have a DUNS Number. **

SF-424 - Application for Federal Assistance

SF-424A - Budget Information - Non-Construction Programs

SF-424B - Assurances - Non-Construction Programs

SF-424C - Budget Information - Construction Programs

SF-424D - Assurances - Construction Programs

SF-269 - Financial Status Report (Long Form)

SF-269A - Financial Status Report (Short Form)

SF-270 - Request for Advance or Reimbursement

SF-271 - Outlay Report and Request for Reimbursement for Construction Programs

SF-272 - Federal Cash Transactions Report

SF-272A - Federal Cash Transactions Report

SF-LLL - Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (as Revised in 1996)

RLF and SLoT Specific Forms

Western Maryland Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) Brochure

State Lottery Terminal (SLoT) Loan Fund Brochure

Western Maryland Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) Inquiry Form

Personal Financial Statement Form

EDA Specific Forms

ED-900P - EDA Pre-Application Package

ED-900A - EDA Application for Federal Assistance

General Requirements - All Applicants

Capacity Building Program Requirements - Planning, Local Technical Assistance, University Centers, Economic Adjustment Strategies, Other Capacity Building and Revolving Loan Funds

Construction Program Requirements - Public Works and Economic Adjustment Construction

RNTA Requirements - Research and National Technical Assistance

ARC Specific Forms

ARC Guide to Project Performance Measures

ARC Guide to Performance Measures

ARC Application Components

ARC Preliminary Project Description FY25

2024 ARC Annual Strategy Statement

2024-2028 ARC Strategic Goals and Objectives

ARC Form 1 - Construction/Equipment Application

ARC Form 3 - Non-Construction Project Application

ARC Construction Application Checklist

ARC Non-Construction Application Checklist

ARC Memorandum of Understanding Document

State of Maryland State Basic Agency Program for Appalachian Regional Commission Projects

We have been financially profitable and socially well received and we couldn’t be happier. The loan we received from Tri County Council was THE factor that allowed us to get off the ground.

- Jon Felton, Clatter Café

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